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What should I do if the website screen appears black?


If the screen appears black, you can try the following steps:

  • Ensure that your device meets the minimum requirements for the game or the GameBeef platform.
  • Check if your graphics drivers and other drivers are up to date.
  • Check if your screen resolution is set to default, you can try this by holding down the "Ctrl" key and rolling the mouse wheel (also known as scroll wheel).
  • Restart your device and try opening the GameBeef platform again.
  • Browse the web privately through "incognito mode" and access the GameBeef platform again.
  • Clear your browser's history (also known as browser's cache) and reload the GameBeef platform again.
  • If the issue persists, contact the GameBeef Team by filling the form or chat with us in our Discord server for further assistance.
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